Feature: Most cinemas, theaters, dance halls remain closed in Italy despite being allowed to open

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While catering industry across Italy is busy in welcoming back their guests thanks to the latest stage of easing effective on Monday, the situation in the country’s entertainment sector such as cinemas, dance clubs, and theaters is still bleak.

Despite being allowed to reopen, most of such entertainment places chose to keep the shutdown. In Rome, just two of the city’s 60 cinemas opened their doors on Monday, with two more planning to do so on Thursday.

Across Italy, according to media reports, only a few dozen cinemas reopened Monday.

Although no national statistics for dance clubs and theaters is available, the evidence shows that the story was similar.

“Why open now? Who would come? Would it be worth the effort?” Massimo Romeo Piparo, artistic director of Rome’s storied Sistina Theater in Rome, threw questions in a row.


Read more:http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-06/17/c_139144506.htm